Employment Opportunities

The City of Madison is an Equal Opportunity Employer, and all qualified applicants will receive consideration for employment without regard to race, color, creed, religion, sex, age, national origin, or any other category protected by law.  Further, the city will comply with all legal requirements related to affirmative action, and the employment of the handicapped, and veterans.

In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act, the City of Madison will provide reasonable accommodations to qualified individuals with disabilities and encourages both prospective and current employees to discuss potential accommodations with the employer.

The City of Madison employs approximately 100 full and part-time workers. There are periodic opportunities for full-time, part-time and seasonal employment in all departments.

Applications and current job openings are listed below. Once a job has been filled, the listing will be removed.

All applications and/or resumes must be submitted to the city's Human Resource Generalist, Jenna Armstrong at jarmstrong@madison-in.gov or dropped at City Hall, 101 W. Main Street, Madison, IN 47250. 

Applications are open until positions are filled. 

Current Openings:

    For information regarding public safety positions, visit the following page:
