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City of Madison CITY OF MADISON, IN
Historic District Board of Review November 27, 2023

Monday, November 27, 2023 at 05:30 PM

BOARD OR COMMISSION: Historic District Board of Review
MEETING DATE: Monday, November 27, 2023 at 05:30 PM
MEETING PLACE: City Hall- Council Chambers

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
    Documents: HDBR Minutes Draft Oct 23, 2023
  3. Review of Applications
  4. Steve Buchanan – C. of A. to build top floor addition on north side of structure.
    Location: 407 E. Vaughn Dr.
    Zoned: Open Space (OS)

    Documents: 407 E Vaughn Dr Packet
  5. Lisa Farris – C. of A. to replace existing wood door with wood grain fiberglass door.
    Location: 803 E Second St
    Zoned: Historic District Residential (HDR)

    Documents: 803 E Second St Packet
  6. Scott Murphy – C. of A. to add front porch. Remove existing windows on the east side and replace them with smaller windows. Replace front door. Extend rear deck. Remove rear windows. Move back door 1-ft east.
    Location: 1205 W Main St
    Zoned: Residential Medium Density (R-8)

    Documents: 1205 W Main St Packet
  7. Madison Pilgrim Holliness Church – C. of A. to Build a 20-ft x 25-ft addition on the rear of the home and reattach the existing deck. The addition will have a block foundation, wood-frame construction and will match the existing home’s vinyl windows, vinyl siding, and shingle roof.
    Location: 1016 Park Ave
    Zoned: Historic District Residential (HDR)

    Documents: 1016 Park Ave Packet
  8. Curt Rafferty – C. of A. to replace existing canvas awning with black metal awning. Modify storefront entryway with new doors and windows. Add architectural elements to cornice. Add 6-ft black chain link fence on west alley side to the rear and wrap around rear of the building to conceal dumpster area. Remove metal overhangs on the rear of the building.
    Location: 120 E Second St
    Zoned: Central Business District (CBD)

    Documents: 120 E Second St Packet
  9. Dee Comstock – C. of A. to Demolition of rear addition and add windows and siding. Demolish the existing front porch and add an overhang over the doorway. Replace windows.
    Location: 302 Marine St
    Zoned: Residential Medium Density (R-8)

    Documents: 302 Marine St Packet
  10. Brian Marshall – C. of A. to build a 13-ft x 26-ft addition on the rear of the building to replace the unsafe addition recently demolished.
    Location: 1003 East St
    Zoned: Residential Medium Density (R-8)

    Documents: 1003 East St Packet
  11. Marcus Gray – C. of A. to replace existing 110” x 114” sign with new illuminated sign of similar size.
    Location: 906 E First St
    Zoned: General Business (GB)

    Documents: 906 E First St Packet
    Scott Rinear on behalf of Barb McPherson – C. of A. to install ribbed metal roof with wood structure over existing rear deck.
    Location: 901 W First St
    Zoned: Historic District Residential (HDR)

    Documents: 901 W First St Packet
  13. New Business
  14. Old Business
  15. Staff Report
  16. Adjournment