PCAF-24-4: Billy Cline and Kathy Jo Kline Application to amend final plat to split parcel ID 39-13-02-231-027.000-007. Location: 121 Central Ave Zoned: Historic District Residential(HDR)
SDPP-24-1: Alexandra Hammock Preliminary Plat for a proposed subdivision on Parcel 39-08-19-000-005.001-006 consisting of fourteen (14) lots on approximately forty-nine and one-half acres (49.5). Proposed lots range in size from approximately 1.31 to 5.44 acres. Location: 3801 W Deputy Pike Rd Zoned: Residential Agricultural (RA)
PCAF-24-7: James Kelleher and Central Holdings LLC Application to amend final plat to split parcel 39-13-02-131-014.000-007. Location: 205 St Michaels Ave Zoned: Historic District Residential(HDR)
PCAF-24-8: MPP Rentals Application to amend final plat to create a utility and maintenance easement at 39-13-03-124-011.000-007. Location: 923 W First St. Zoned: Historic District Residential(HDR)
PCGB-24-4: Walter Harden Application for general business setbacks of 0-ft from the north, south, east, and west property lines. Location: 1855 Cragmont St Zoned: General Business (GB)