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City of Madison CITY OF MADISON, IN
Historic District Board of Review 09-23-2024

Monday, September 23, 2024 at 05:30 PM

BOARD OR COMMISSION: Historic District Board of Review
MEETING DATE: Monday, September 23, 2024 at 05:30 PM
MEETING PLACE: City Hall- Council Chambers

  1. Roll Call
  2. Approval of Minutes
    Documents: 8-26-2024 Draft HDBR Minutes
  3. Review of Applications
    1. Billy Cline - C. of A. to add 9' addition to north of existing structure and convert 12' of main level to living space.
      Location: 121 Central Ave.
      Zoned: Historic District Residential (HDR)
      Documents: 121 Central Ave Packet
    2. Matthew Chandler - C. of A. to construct a covered stairwell vestibule addition to previously approved rooftop terrace to house a bar for guests.
      Location: 221 E. Second St.
      Zoned: Central Business District (CBD)
      Documents: 221 E. 2nd St. Packet
    3. Glen Spencer - C. of A. to replace old non-working windows with white Quaker aluminum clad windows.
      Location: 313 East St.
      Zoned: Historic District Residential (HDR)
      Documents: 313 East St Packet
    4. Heidi Geiges - C. of A. to tear down old shed and replace with new shed with vinyl siding to match the house.
      Location: 710 E. First St.
      Zoned: Historic District Residential (HDR)
      Documents: 710 E. First St. Packet
    5. Duane and Sheryle Raab - C. of A. to tear down current garage and replace with new garage.
      Location: 117/119 St. Michaels Ave.
      Zoned: Historic District Residential (HDR)
      Documents: 117/119 St Michaels Ave Packet
  4. New Business
  5. Old Business
  6. Staff Report
  7. Adjournment