Communications Department
The City of Madison Communications Department works to engage Madison residents by keeping them informed on the important decisions made by their city government. The communications department is responsible for providing timely information to the community and media regarding projects, services, policies, and community events as they relate to the City of Madison.
The communications department also provides creative services to all internal departments and manages the city's webpage and social media.
Residents and media members may also find items of interest and breaking news information on the city's Facebook and Instagram pages.
Media Relations
The Communications Director, Hannah Mahoney, serves as the liaison between members of the press and our City of Madison personnel. If you are a reporter seeking information about the city and/or its departments, our director can connect you with the appropriate person or resources. For all media requests, please contact Hannah Mahoney by email at or at 812-274-0254.
Social Media
The city’s efforts for social media outreach including Facebook, Instagram, and YouTube.
Here's a comprehensive list of our social media sites and other ways to Stay Connected
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Recent News
- PROPERTY TAX REFORM SHOULD BE TARGETED TO HELP LOW-INCOME RESIDENTS by Mayor Bob CourtneyThis week I'm heading to Indianapolis to testify for legislation that provides targeted property tax relief t...
- MAYOR BOB COURTNEY ANNOUNCES LEADERSHIP RESTRUCTURING TO STRENGTHEN CITY OPERATIONSMayor Bob Courtney has announced a strategic restructuring of city departments and leadership to enhance fina...
- MAYOR COURTNEY ANNOUNCES NEWLY APPOINTED MISS MADISON INC. BOARD MEMBERSFollowing recent actions to safeguard the assets and legacy of Miss Madison Inc. (MMI), Mayor Bob Courtney ha...
- MAYOR BOB COURTNEY TAKES ACTION TO PROTECT MISS MADISON INC.Madison's Mayor, Bob Courtney, has taken decisive action to safeguard the assets and legacy of Miss Madison R...
- COED T-BALL RETURNS TO MADISON PARKS AND RECREATIONMadison Parks and Recreation is excited to announce the return of our coed T-ball League! This program, desig...
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Director of Communications