Board of Zoning Appeals

The Board of Zoning Appeals hears and discusses all conditional use applications, as well as variance applications. All applications for the Board of Zoning Appeals may be paid with cash, check made out to the City of Madison, or online through the payment portal. For meeting dates and filing deadlines, please view the meeting information (PDF).

Zoning Board Members:

Karl Eaglin Board Member Mayor 12/31/2026
Scott Baldwin Board Member Mayor 12/31/2026
Mark Acosta Board Member Mayor 12/31/2025
Nancy Burkhardt Board Member
Council 12/31/2024
Rick Farris Board Member
County 12/31/2026
Devon Sharpe Board Attorney
Nicole M Schell Staff
Ray Dibaya Staff


The Zoning Board meets at 6 PM on the second Monday of the month in the City Hall Council Chambers. Meeting dates are subject to change. Please confirm with the Office of Planning, Preservation, and Design for the correct meeting date.

Meeting are streamed live on the City of Madison YouTube. Watch the latest meeting here. 


Applications to be heard before the Board of Zoning Appeals may be filed using the forms found in the BZA Documents Center or online using the button below

bza application