Project Studies & Master Plans
The City of Madison, following the relinquishment of State Road 56 to the city, began the process to develop a master plan for Main Street. The project considered many ways that
Main Street could be changed to make it more pedestrian-friendly, safer, and more attractive. Chief among the considerations was whether one or more vehicular travel lanes should be eliminated, and if so, how such a change would affect the design of our sidewalks and public spaces. Consideration was also given to the history of the corridor, materiality, identity, parking, delivery needs of businesses, trees, traffic calming, and utilities.
Madison Parks and Recreation Department 5 Year Master Plan 2022-2026
The City of Madison completed a comprehensive data collection and analysis in conjunction with public surveys, public meetings/input, meetings with staff, and current/former park commissioners to create a 5 year Master Plan for the Parks and Recreation Department. Combining this information with an inventory assessment, demographics study, and trends analysis the city was able to determine its needs moving forward and lay out priorities for 2022-2026.
Downtown Madison Parking Study
The City of Madison undertook this parking study to develop a baseline of information regarding current parking inventory and demand in downtown. Based on input from the City, the boundary extends from Walnut to Broadway Street, and between 1st and 3rd Street. The analysis and recommendations are based on an inventory of weekday and weekend parking conditions taken over a 3-day period in October 2021.
ADA Transition Plan for Public Facilities and Sidewalk Asset Management Plan
This plan was approved by the Madison Redevelopment Commission and now serves as the city's ADA Transition Plan.
"One Madison" Comprehensive Plan
This plan was approved by the Madison City Council on September 20th, 2016 and now serves as the City’s official Comprehensive Plan for Madison’s future development. A paper copy is available to view at City Hall, the County Courthouse, or Madison Public Library.
Master Bicycle & Pedestrian Plan
This plan was commissioned by the City of Madison after being awarded a grant by the Indiana State Department of Health. This document is still under development and is being worked on by the City’s "Active Living Team." This document was finished in Summer 2016 and is able to stand alone as well as serve as the transportation section of the Comprehensive Plan.
Madison Stellar Strategic Investment Plan
This plan was commissioned by the City of Madison after being named a finalist in the Stellar Communities program. This plan served as the application for the Stellar Communities program which Madison received the designation in 2017.
One Madison Community Revitalization Plan
This plan was commissioned by VisitMadison Inc. after winning the first round of the America’s Best Communities Competition sponsored by Frontier, DISH, CoBank, The Weather Channel, and DST Systems Inc. This plan also serves as an application to ABC for the next round of the competition in order to win $100,000. It was completed and turned in on November 6, 2015. Madison was chosen as a finalist in the America’s Best Communities Competition in April 2016.
ENVISION Jefferson County Vision & Action Plan
This plan was commissioned by a group of interested industry leaders and led by an independent stakeholder group of a broad range of citizens and led by the PlanningNEXT group out of Columbus, Ohio. This document was created after multiple rounds of community input sessions and thousands of pieces of data, ideas, and information throughout 2014.
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Director of Planning