FAQ - Events

How can I get involved in a city event?

There are many ways to get involved through vendor opportunities, volunteering, and sponsoring. If you have a business that would like to have a vendor, float, or volunteer team at any of our city events, please fill out the form below and list the specific event you are wanting to be at. Our office will be in contact with you following the completion of the the form, and if you have any further inquires please contact tburnette@madison-in.gov

How do I sponsor an event?

We could not host these events without the support of our sponsors! If you want to sponsor an event - from Movies in the Park, to The Halloween Festival, to the Very Merry Madison Christmas Parade - start by filling out the form below and listing which event you are specifically wanting to sponsor, list the company name, provide contact information, and our office will contact you after you submit the form. 

How can I find out about current city events/projects that are going on?

You can stay informed about all that is going on via ourE-Newsletter, our Facebook page, or by checking our website regularly to see the latest updates and event details posted. To learn more about our projects, visit our City Projects page. To learn more about our events, visit our City Events page.

Are city events free to the public?

Yes! We strive to make every event as accessible to the community as we can and our sponsors are what make that possible.